Our Passion For Travel isn’t simply our website or brand name. We love travelling. That goes right from travel planning to being on the ground experiencing it, and sure enough writing and telling everyone about it afterwards.
We’ve visited 70+ countries together, and come to realise for a lot of people the planning and route mapping component of travel can be somewhat overwhelming. And it’s absolutely not everyone’s passion. But it is ours.
Introducing our travel planning service

As a result, we’ve launched our own travel planning service. Over time, we’ve found ourselves helping family, friends and fellow travellers we’ve met along the way with their itineraries. How to get from A to B. How to avoid a layover they don’t need to do. Ensuring they’re in a well located hotel, not on the outskirts of town. And we’re not tooting our own horn, but they’ve all been full of praise for our assistance. Sometimes it just takes some help from people who have done it before.
Having helped so many people already, we’ve expanded our informal service to a wider audience. Maybe you’re not sure about where to go exactly. Or how to get from place to place. Or you’re busy and just want someone else to handle the arrangements. This is where we can help.
Wherever you are in your planning, if you’re thinking about a trip, and want some help with it (think accommodation, things to do, tours and transport) we’re your people! From Barcelona to London, Rome to Berlin and just about everywhere in between, we’d love to help. We’ll create you a custom travel itinerary, just for you. Simply fill out your details in the form below and we’ll come back with a FREE quote on how we can help you.
Start your journey to a custom travel itinerary here.
Happy travels! We’ll be in touch shortly!